Why “Suffocating Fat Cells” Are
Behind Your Stubborn Weight Gain and
Aching Joints

(Shocking New Study)

What does this dying, smoldering campfire and your stubborn belly fat have in common?

According to groundbreaking research from the prestigious Boston University School
of Medicine

Just like this campfire in its last embers will never cook anything however long you wait for it

Right Now,
Your Metabolism Is
Going through a Similar Fate.

You feed it food...

And instead of burning all those fats, carbs, and sugars—using them to give you both energy and nutrients—all that food stays uncooked

Hoarded as fat that piles onto your belly and waist while leaving your body asking for more food...

And if that feels like ‘just life’ for you for the past years…

I’m about to share with you why it doesn’t have to be that way.

Hey There, I’m Richard.**

And over the next few minutes, I'm going to show you a shockingly simple 7-Second Oxygen Trick...

Based on cutting-edge research from leading experts at Boston University’s School of Medicine

Here’s a trick that will help you...

Effortlessly dissolve 12, 20, or even 35+ pounds of stubborn belly fat and muffin tops in as little as 30 days...

Allowing you to restore
your sluggish metabolism
to its prime.

Allowing you to finally enjoy
Mom's famous lasagna or Grandma's apple pie without an ounce of guilt.

The Moment You Start
Using This
Incredible Breakthrough…

You'll trigger your body
to burn fat...

Even while relaxing on the couch catching up on your favorite Netflix shows...

Those frustrating late-night cravings for snacks like chips, cookies, and ice cream will fade away…

And you’ll begin to reverse years of metabolic damage from countless diets that just didn’t work...

And as a wonderful "side effect" of this breakthrough…

The Research Shows
That You’ll
Also Experience Relief From…

The constant aches you’ve been feeling in your knees, hips, and lower back that made it harder to do the things you love to do.

You'll once again be able to go on those long nature hikes…
To spend time in
your garden…
And enjoy active time with the family, like bike rides or 18 rounds of golf.

You'll never again dread the thought of squeezing into an airplane seat
or swimsuit...

Or feeling judged or ashamed because of your weight...

And those sleepless nights you spent worrying about your future health issues like heart disease, joint replacements, and low energy as you age.

But how can this all be possible?

It’s Because This New Breakthrough
Addresses the
Root Cause of...

Both stubborn, clingy fat that seems impossible to lose no matter how hard you diet
or exercise...

And painful, inflamed joints…

And while I know these are bold promises,
I stand behind them with full faith...

Because shortly after an embarrassing incident during a family ski trip that left me feeling hopeless about my weight and constant knee pain...

That This 7-Second Oxygen Trick
Helped Me Shed Over 32 Lbs...

Of stubborn belly and back fat in a single month…

And over 86 lbs in the next two months after that…

Going From This:

To This:

Where for the first time in my adult life, I had a flat, toned stomach.

But it didn’t just work for me.

There’s Been Over 97,534 People Across the U.S. That Have Experienced Incredible Results With It Too.

Like Sarah, a busy mom of 3 in Seattle:

Not only did she lose 25 pounds in just 6 weeks of using this breakthrough…

But she says that with her chronic knee and hip pain gone, she can now enjoy long walks with her girlfriends without the pain slowing her down…

And Robert, a 65-year-old retiree in Chicago:

He was skeptical at first, until the weight started melting off—especially around his belly and
love handles.

Even better, Robert’s back pain completely vanished along with his protruding stomach.

And now: it’s your turn to experience this life change too.

But before we get started: here’s a little about how I got to a point so desperate that I needed something miraculous to work…

And I found it. Or rather, someone found it for me.

And in a few minutes, I’ll share it with
you too…

My Name is Richard Hill.

I'm 52 years old and I live in the
suburbs of Houston, Texas.

Growing up, I was always a bit chunky, with a little extra weight hanging around my midsection.

About 10 years ago, I noticed my weight was spiraling out of control—without any changes to my diet or lifestyle…

Following the same routine I’d had
for years...

Suddenly my waist size ballooned from a 38 to an uncomfortable 42.

And my belly spilled over my belt, no matter how tight I cinched it.

Even worse, my joints started aching and creaking every time I moved.

I can’t tell you how much my lower back hurts during simple things like bending down and tying my shoes.

My knees burned like flames licking my bones whenever I walked up stairs...

And even my fingers,
being swollen and stiff,
made it hard to do basic things like open jars or type on my keyboard.

I Felt Like an
80-Year-Old Trapped in a Middle-Aged Body.

I’d step on the scale each morning and cringe as the numbers
kept climbing...

206... 212... all the way up to 248 pounds...

  • My belly pushed further past my belt every day…
  • My face became puffy and inflamed...

And no matter what I tried, nothing worked...

Now, at 248 pounds… I could barely walk without my knees buckling,
let alone ski down a mountain.

Just thinking about squeezing into stiff ski boots and bindings made my joints ache.

So I Tried to Get out of
the Activities,
Telling My Family
I Wasn’t Feeling Good…

But my nephew Jackson, who I hadn't seen in a year,
begged me to join him for one run...

And I couldn't say no to spending time with the 16-year-old who used to view me as a hero.

So a few hours later, Jackson and I were cruising down a green circle together.

And at first, I was smiling ear to ear, reliving my glory days and keeping pace with him...

But nearing the bottom...

My lungs were burning.
My back screaming
in pain.
My knees felt like red-hot pokers skewering my joints with each turn.

I Wanted It to End…

But Jackson was having so much fun, he convinced me to join him for one more advanced run...

And by the time we reached the top, my knees were buckling and my back was spasming.

And then it happened:

As I struggled to stand up out of the chairlift, my knees gave out like frail twigs...

Sending me crumpling face-first into the snow before a crowd of onlookers.

Panic set in as I tried with all my might to stand but I couldn’t…

The Weight and Pain Had
Rendered Me Helpless.

The staff rushed over,
but even two men couldn't lift me...

They had to call the ski patrol for help.

I laid there defeated, with people gawking, pointing, and filming like I was a freak show attraction...

And after what felt like an eternity…

A patrol team arrived and hauled me down the mountain on a stretcher behind a snowmobile.

That Night Laying in Bed,
I’d Never Felt
More Pathetic
and Worthless...

And if you'd told me I'd soon stumble upon a way to
melt off 32 pounds in just 30 days…

And over 86 lbs in a few short months that followed…

  • Giving me a flat, toned stomach and a slim waistline again that I could be proud of...
  • While helping me rid my constant joint pain so I move, run and even exercise again without syncing in pain…..
  • And sleep through the night without back spasms or pillows propping up my knees...

I'd have said it was impossible, but that's exactly what happened.

You See, the Day After
My Humiliating Incident
the Slopes...

I found myself sitting alone at
the lodge bar,
nursing a glass
of bourbon…

When eventually…

The bartender, a burly man named Hank**, slid over to me...

He told me that he’d heard about
what happened on the chairlift the previous day…

Then one night, kinda out of nowhere, Hank said:

You should really talk to my nephew Michael**, he's a metabolic researcher down in Salt Lake City.

At first, I wasn’t interested and I just told him, “Thanks, but I’m good”...

But he was really persistent. He said:

I’m serious, man. Two years ago, I was over 300 pounds. My back screamed in agony all day, making it torture just to bartend. I felt trapped—too big to move, too young to feel that bad.

Then Hank pointed to a photo on the wall of a morbidly obese man I could barely recognize as him.

But my nephew Michael helped me
140 pounds and get my mobility back. He's a genius—talks about stuff no other doc mentions. You should see him too.

Now I Have to Admit,
Seeing That
Photo of Hank on the Wall Did Get

My Attention…

Especially because the guy talking to me was incredibly fit and didn’t look like he had an ounce of fat anywhere on
his body…

So the idea that he’d once been carrying an extra 140 pounds of stubborn fat on his body just seemed hard to believe.

But in that desperate place I was in, my mind clicked open to it.

“I’m telling you, my nephew is really smart,” Hank continued. “You should give him a call.”

Then he took a piece of paper, scribbled down his nephew’s contact number, and slid it my way.

I remember mumbling thanks and taking it with a shrug…

But the next day, I gave Hank’s nephew
a call.

His Name Was
Michael Lamont.**

And since his clinic was just
a short drive
the ski resort
I was staying at…

He suggested I come down and see him that very afternoon.

And so as soon as I could, there I was…

Sitting in this office in Salt Lake City, spouting my heart out about the
years of...

Yo-yo dieting
Juice cleanses
CrossFit classes
And restrictive fad diets I’d tried

Only to end up even heavier and more desperate each time.

At First, Mr. Lamont
Just Listened Intensely
and Nodded…

But then, he looked directly
at me
said something
really surprising:

You know why all of this is
happening don’t you? Your metabolism is literally suffocating.

Now at first, I didn’t know what Mr. Lamont was talking about…

But then he explained it like this:

He said that deep inside our bodies…

We All Have This
Natural Process
Cellular Respiration

Where your cells are literally breathing in oxygen and using it to function properly.

And surprisingly, he said this process of cellular respiration happens in your fat cells too:

They use oxygen as the fuel that’s required to burn nutrients from the foods we eat and convert them into usable energy.

You can see what it looks like here:

But don’t worry if this looks complicated or has lots of words you don’t understand…

Because it’s actually quite simple:

Just like a campfire needs oxygen to keep burning…

Your Fat Cells
Need Oxygen to Burn Nutrients for Energy…

And just like a lack of oxygen will cause a campfire to smolder and never cook another thing in its remaining life…

When your fat cells are deprived of this oxygen, they stop burning nutrients too.

And your metabolism dies out.

In other words:

  • Without enough oxygen, your fat cells are cut-off from the fuel they need to scorch calories, carbs, sugars, and fats…

And what happens instead:

  • They cling to those nutrients as you put on pound after pound… Just like if you were to keep adding steaks onto a campfire that barely had smoke.

Isn’t That Crazy?

And you should know that...

Everyone from experts at the Boston University School of Medicine

To biologists and doctors at the University of Birmingham*** in the UK

Have all been quietly publishing studies about this phenomenon…

And yet, as Mr. Lamont was quick to remind me…

Virtually nobody was sharing this crucial information with everyday folks who were outside of academia.

“It’s not just elitist,
it’s straight-up criminal,”

Mr. Lamont said,
his voice rising in anger.

And he said it was because groundbreaking new research published in the prestigious International Journal of Molecular Sciences*** found that when your fat cells are desperate for oxygen…

They don’t just suffocate your metabolism or sabotage your waistline, they put your entire body in danger.

Hearing that, my jaw fell open. And so
Mr. Lamont explained:

What Happens Is That Your Fat Cells Begin Releasing
These Dangerous, Inflammatory “Stress Chemicals”
Called Adipokines

And they act like SOS signals, calling for your body to send more oxygen to your fat cells via your bloodstream.

The problem is that...

If your fat cells are never getting enough oxygen, then it means they’re releasing those inflammatory stress chemicals 24/7 in your body…

Which are entering your bloodstream nonstop, eating away at
the blood vessels and tissues, and causing massive inflammation and scarring.

“I bet you deal with
a lot of joint pain too, don’t you Richard?”
Mr. Lamont asked me.

And when I nodded my head yes, my face still in shock, he just
smiled sadly...

And explained that this was a classic sign that your fat cells
are suffocating

Because One of the
First Places
These Inflammatory
SOS Chemicals Travel to Is Your Joints…

Where they begin to eat away
at the cartilage,
tissue, and nerve endings...

Causing constant pain that never seems to go away, no matter what you do.

Then I asked Mr. Lamont:

What was causing my fat cells
to suffocate?

He said it everything from the toxins and additives that big companies put into the foods and drinks they sell us

To pollutants in our tap water

To the products we use to clean our homes

All of Which Lead to Immense Levels of
Cellular Stress Inside Our Bodies…

Including our fat cells—setting off this
cascading chain-reaction that doesn’t just
destroy our metabolism…

But leads to that flood of inflammatory SOS chemicals being released into our bloodstreams…

Where they travel first to your throbbing knees, slowly eroding the cartilage so that even climbing the stairs leaves you wincing in pain...

Seep into your lower back, igniting flames of agony until you can barely bend over to tie your own shoes...

And then creep into vital organs like...

Your heart
Your arteries
And brain.

Which explained the aggravating situation I had been in for years, and which brought me to be in front of Mr. Lamont that moment.

So the next the thing I asked him was:

What Can I Do About

All of This?

He explained that while avoiding toxin-laden foods, drinking filtered water, and using natural cleaning products
is smart...

The real key here is to
bring oxygen back to your
fat cells…

That way they could breathe and function normally again.

He told me he’d spent several years developing an extremely effective solution that did exactly this…

Restarting the process of cellular respiration in your fat cells and stopping those inflammatory SOS chemicals from going into your bloodstream…

And that he’s used this breakthrough for all of his patients with outcomes that have been nothing short of spectacular:

Not only did their
stubborn, globby fat start rapidly dissolving...

But the stiff, achy joints in their knees, back, and hands also became supple and pain-free again.

And surprisingly, Mr. Lamont said that his entire solution boiled down to a unique group of natural extracts and compounds…

Which is what I’ll share with you right now…

The First Extract
He Told Me
About Is Called...


Which comes from a spice called Grains of Paradise.

He explained that in the realm of nutritional science...

Paradoxine® is often referred
to as the 'Oxygen Infuser' because of its unique ability to rekindle cellular respiration in
fat cells…

Allowing them to breathe normally again and begin burning fat for energy…

But He Told Me That
the Paradoxine® in His Formula Was
Uniquely Potent...

Far more so than most forms you’d find
in the supplements people sell on places like GNC
or Amazon…

And that was a point he was very adamant about: that this potency made ALL the difference.

He explained to me a groundbreaking, randomized clinical study published in the Journal of Drugs, Design, Development and Therapy***

Where scientists took a group of
70 adults and gave half of them a high-potency form of Paradoxine® like he had for 12 weeks

And the results were spectacular.

On average they reduced their body fat percentage by 15.38%

Burned away 29.3% of their stored
body fat

Saw 6 inches of fat
go from places like their bellies, waist, and butt

They Dropped an Average of Nearly 9 Lbs.

And remember, that was just the average too…

But many of these men and women lost 15 lbs, 20 lbs,
or more!

Maybe Mr. Lamont saw the disbelief in my face because he was quick to point out:

Paradoxine® is like
a breath of fresh air for your suffocating
fat cells.

Then he showed me another major study from scientists at The University of Tokyo***...

Where they found that treatment with Paradoxine® over 5 weeks revived calorie-burning brown fat that had been dormant in participants...

Leading to an impressive
4.7% reduction in total body fat percentage.

While in another clinical trial published in Clinical Nutrition Research***...

Adding Paradoxine® to the diet of overweight and obese participants caused them to lose 70% more weight than the placebo group, while also burning 94% more
fat too

The Paradoxine® group also...

Lowered harmful triglycerides by 23.1%

Total cholesterol
by 8.7%

And insulin resistance by 37.2% when compared to the placebo group.

“And it gets even better,”
Mr. Lamont said, his voice brimming with excitement...

As he shared a study done by scientists at Rutgers***...

Where Paradoxine® was found to be as effective as Aspirin
at alleviating inflammation and
joint pain.

How? Because it specifically targets and neutralizes the inflammatory SOS chemicals that our suffocating fat cells
send out.

Then Mr. Lamont Said
Was Even More Powerful When Combined With the
Second Extract Called…

Curcumin C3® Complex

Just like Paradoxine®, Curcumin C3® Complex has been proven in numerous clinical studies to not only help our suffocating fat cells breathe again...

But it also helps reduce inflammation in our bodies.

And in a landmark study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Internal Medicine*** in 2022…

People taking Curcumin C3® Complex...

Lost an average
of 11.13 lbs in
body weight

Their BMI had reduced by 4.14 lbs

Their body fat ratio had dropped
by 4.02%

And their waist circumference had shrunk by 1.85 inches in just 8 weeks.

Isn’t That Mind-Blowing?

And that’s just one study…

In another major clinical trial published in the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences***...

Scientists found that overweight adults who took Curcumin C3® Complex for 30 days experienced:

8.43% reduction in body fat

4.14% decrease in their waistline

And a 6.43% reduction in BMI!

“And that’s not even getting
to Cucumin C3® Complex’s impact
on your joints”

Mr. Lamont reminded me…

“There are literally thousands of studies that all prove curcumin and turmeric are incredibly effective at reducing joint inflammation and alleviating joint pain, especially when you take it in a form like this.”

Between the Powers of Paradoxine® and
Curcumin C3® Complex Alone...

Your suffocating fat cells
will once again be
with oxygen…

Reigniting that crucial process of cellular respiration…
Allowing them to breathe again so they get back to burning
off fat…
And your inflamed joints will start feeling immediate
relief too…

As those dangerous SOS chemicals disappear.

Within just a few short weeks…

You Could Lose 12 Lbs, 22 Lbs,
Even 37 Lbs of Stubborn, Clingy Fat Once and for All.

As you go about each day moving
with ease…

With less pain when you walk, stand, lay down, or go to sleep.

That’s the future that’s in store for you with these ingredients…

And remember, Paradoxine® and Curcumin C3® Complex are just the first two ingredients that Mr. Lamont shared
with me…

But There Were
4 More Natural Ingredients
That He Explained to Me…

Whose benefits put me in
even more awe…

“There’s Single Origin Raw
Green Coffee Bean Extract”,
he continued.

Which contains an important compound called
chlorogenic acid.

That’s been shown in several studies to reignite your metabolism by boosting cellular respiration…

Leading to weight loss of anywhere from 5 lbs to over
22 lbs with regular use.

Along with a significant reduction in body-wide inflammation—and especially in your joints.

Then he recommended
adding Kenyan Purple Tea Leaf Extract and Heritage Boswellia to the mix too.

Because studies have shown that these ingredients can...

  • Dramatically increase levels of adiponectin, a beneficial fat-burning hormone
  • Support significant weight loss and major reductions in overall body fat
  • And halting fat cells from sending out inflammatory SOS chemicals to our joints.

Along with Purified Bromelain Extract.

A compound from the core of the tropical pineapple that’s highly anti-inflammatory.


A patented and extremely well-studied version of theanine that’s been shown to drastically increase cellular respiration.

Along with very high-grade forms of Chromium and Vitamin D3.

Two nutrients that play a pivotal role in cellular respiration…

By helping to optimize the function of our fat cells...

So they’re able to break down fat for energy, instead of clinging on to it.

And as Mr. Lamont finished revealing the masterful blend of ingredients…

I Could Hardly Believe
I Was Hearing...

I found myself imagining these unique and powerful compounds working together inside my body…

  • To reignite the cellular respiration process…
  • Breathe life back into my suffocating
    fat cells…
  • And soothe my painful, inflamed joints.

My only question was:

"Would they actually work
for me?"

I’d been burned so many times before,
I didn’t want to get my
hopes up…

But Mr. Lamont simply asked me:

What do you have
to lose?

Then He Handed Me a
Small Bottle Filled With
60 Tiny Capsules...

And told me to take two capsules
first thing in the morning
a glass of water…

Then touch base with him in a month to share my progress.

So, that very morning, I took my vitamins.

And to be honest, those very first capsules I took along with my breakfast were an anticlimax…

I don’t know what I was expecting, but I didn’t feel anything special…

And after the first few days of taking those capsules, there wasn't much to report.

I felt a tiny bit less hungry and I did notice that my joint pain seemed a tad less severe...

  • But my weight was still
    hovering around
    248 lbs…
  • And my knees still creaked
    and ached every time I climbed the stairs.

Part of me worried that maybe I was chasing a pipe dream

But I decided to stick with Mr. Lamont's advice to keep taking them daily and
just wait…

And THANK GOD I did…

Because Around the Eighth Day,
Things Started to Change.

Stepping on the scale that morning,

I saw 242 pounds flash across

the screen…

Which meant I was down 6 lbs in the past few days.

For the first time in years: the number on my scale was actually moving in the right direction.

And by day 15, the scale read an incredible 230 pounds.

I noticed that my pants were loosening around my shrinking waist...

And I no longer needed to brace myself against the handrail to walk upstairs…

Because while the sharp, shooting pain in my knees wasn’t gone entirely, it was noticeably less severe: Maybe a 4 out
of 10…

Where it had been an 8 out of 10 most days before.

By Day 21, I’d Dropped to
225 Pounds...

My belly fat was melting away,
along with the weight bearing down on my joints...

And by the end of that first month…

I was astonished to see that the scale read 216 pounds...

Which meant I’d lost a little over 32 pounds in just that very first month.

But as I was gushing to Mr. Lamont
about all of this, I told him this wasn’t just about numbers…

It was like my whole world was beginning to transform:

My hunger pangs and cravings were gone. I was no longer obsessed with food...
I slept through the night,
free of back spasms and
knee pain...
And the confidence I'd lost after hitting 248 pounds came roaring back.

I could finally fit into pairs of jeans I hadn't worn since my early 30s...

For the first time in years, I felt proud looking in the mirror.

And things just got better from there…

Day 45

Down by 41 lbs

Day 67

Down by 62 lbs

And by the End of the Third Month,
I’d Dropped a Staggering 82 Lbs of Fat…

And my joints were completely
and blessedly pain-free!

I just can’t describe the feeling of happiness and hope that I felt completely flushed with…

But what might have been better was the flood of compliments from stunned friends and family...

"Richard, you look incredible!" my college buddies gushed at our first poker night since I’d met with Mr. Lamont.

"Have you been training for a triathlon or something?" my neighbor Ben asked one evening as we were taking out the trash…

"You've lost a ton of weight!" my sister exclaimed when
our families got together
for dinner…

Every astonished look, every jaw-dropping compliment, it all made me beam
with pride...

I walked taller, smiled wider, with a swagger I hadn't felt in years…

And It Was All Thanks to
Mr. Lamont’s
7-Second Oxygen Trick !

Of course, at this point, I knew how far from alone I was from having struggled with stubborn weight and the two dozen pains that came with it…

Which is why I knew that the life-changing formula that Mr. Lamont shared with me, had to be shared with others too…

So I called him...

"Your formula has given me a new lease on life that I would never have imagined”,
I told him.

“I’ve melted over 82 pounds and my constant aches vanished...

We have to bring this breakthrough to everyone fighting the same battle…"

Before even saying that…

I was sure it wouldn’t be the first time
Mr. Lamont either had the idea himself or heard of the idea…

But to my surprise he said, “Richard, I’ve always wanted to. But as you know by now, I’m an ideas person, not someone who brings things to life.”

Then he paused before saying,
“But if we did this together… Now, that would be different.”

I can’t explain the feeling I felt when he said that…

Because it was a feeling of trust he had in me, but also of a responsibility to make
it real…

So Together, We Embarked on a Mission to Produce
500 Bottles
of His Formula…

We followed the strictest and most
demanding specifications...

Spent countless hours sourcing the purest ingredients from all over the world...

Secured deals for clinical grade extracts to match Mr. Lamont’s exacting standards...

And then when it was ready: we recruited volunteers struggling with weight and joint pain to rigorously test it with them.

And Their Feedback Was Astonishing:

Susan, a busy mom of 3, raved:

“I melted over 30 pounds
in just 6 weeks and I have my confidence back.”

“Thanks to this formula, I've finally lost the stubborn fat that no diet or exercise plan could touch! I melted over 30 pounds in just 6 weeks and I have my confidence back. I feel like the real me again!”

—Susan C., Missouri (45)

George, a 65-year-old retiree, shared with us:

“I dropped 20 pounds in
6 weeks…”

“I dropped 20 pounds in 6 weeks and can golf pain-free again. My wife is blown away by the changes!”

—George S., Texas (65)

Martha, a 53-year-old nurse, wrote:

“I've lost stubborn weight
for the first time in my life...”

“I've lost stubborn weight for the first time in my life, and my chronic knee and hip pain is gone! I feel reborn!”

—Martha L., Georgia (53)

And These Are Just a Few of the Tens-Of-Thousands We’ve Gotten From the Over 97,534 Men and Women Who Have Used This Breakthrough.

Of course, hearing these life-changing stories brought us immense fulfillment…

But more than that, they empowered us to drive harder with
our mission.

To the point that now, you can have that exact same opportunity…

So let me introduce you to...

SlimActiv 9

The world’s only formula that follows Mr. Lamont’s original one to the T, and that is specifically designed to...

  • Unlock the flow of oxygen back into suffocating
    fat cells.
  • To restart your body’s natural cellular respiration process.
  • And stop the release of inflammatory SOS chemicals into your bloodstream.

So you can rapidly and effortlessly burn off stubborn, clingy fat like everyone who tried it did, once and
for all…

While saying goodbye to constant,
achy and inflamed
joint pain.

But before I share more details about how you can get some for yourself, let me first clarify a few things…

SlimActiv 9 Contains No Caffeine,
Toxins, or Stimulants of Any Kind.

It’s proudly manufactured in the USA,
at our FDA-registered and GMP-certified facility…

Using the most advanced machinery under the strictest and most sterile standards.

Every ingredient is:

100% plant-based

And every single bottle undergoes rigorous testing for safety
and purity.

And now, it's time for you to finally achieve the fit, healthy body you've been dreaming of and truly deserve.

Close Your Eyes and
Picture This for a Moment.

Imagine strolling into your favorite clothing store and spending time in the fitting room.

Every outfit you try on shows off your slim, toned body so perfectly that you want to buy them all.

Imagine the joy and pride
in your
children and grandchildren's eyes...

As you play with them for hours on end, with zero traces of pain or discomfort.

Imagine the astonishment on
your friends' faces...

Envious of the incredible transformation you've made in such a short time, wondering if you've found some secret shortcut.

Imagine your spouse looking at
you with renewed desire...

Complimenting you, and wanting you more than ever.

And you're doing all this without starving yourself or skipping a single meal.

Can you feel what that would be like?

And What Would You Give to
Restore Your Vitality…

To reclaim the life
you've been missing out
on for so long?

Several very smart people told us we should sell a 30-day supply of SlimActiv 9™ for $250 per bottle since it’s filled with such pure and powerful ingredients

And even though I know that everyone who has experienced the rejuvenating power of SlimActiv 9™ would willingly pay double that after seeing the results for themselves.

For me, Mr. Lamont, and all the other researchers who have dedicated months to make this now available…

This isn't about the money.

We know what it feels like to watch...

Your health...
Your confidence...
Your self-esteem
slip away...

As your weight increases and
your joints scream under the
heavy burden…

And you’re left wondering why nothing seems to work.

Our Aim Is to Stand Against
the Deceitful Weight Loss and
Pain Relief Industry…

To rescue you and countless
others like you.

And while SlimActiv 9™ has already transformed the lives of 97,534 men and women around the globe...

Our goal is to extend its benefits to millions more, and we want you to be our next success story.

The more affordable we make SlimActiv 9™, the closer we get to that goal… Which is why we refuse to charge $250, or even $500.

And it’s why even though the price will be $99 for a 30-day supply of SlimActiv 9™ soon…

You won't have to pay that either.

We're going to make your decision as effortless as shedding pounds with SlimActiv 9™:

For a Limited Time Only,
You Can Secure a 30-Day Supply of SlimActiv 9 for Just $59 per Bottle.

And that’s the lowest price for a single bottle you'll ever see.

Along with our ironclad, 365-day money-back guarantee.

Which means:

  • If you don't experience a significant increase in your metabolic rate...
  • If you don't witness your stubborn fat melting away…
  • If you don't feel a surge of energy as your metabolism reignites and feel ease from the pains of your joints…

Even if you use up the entire bottle…

All you need to do is contact our dedicated customer support agents within 365 days, and you'll get every cent back, no questions asked.

So Take Action for
Health Now, Risk-Free.

1 Bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles

3 Bottles

1 Bottle


per bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles


per bottle

3 Bottles


per bottle

But keep in mind, as you've discovered in the studies we've shared,
the longer you take these natural ingredients, the better your results will be.

So if You’re Over the Age
of 30 and Have Been Battling
With Stubborn Weight Gain or Painful Joints…

Mr. Lamont advises you to take SlimActiv 9
for at least three to
six months.

This gives it ample time to:

Restart your cellular respiration
Reignite your metabolism
And neutralize the inflammatory chemicals that have been tormenting your joints.

And to ensure long-term health transformation, I'm going to let you order three or six months’ worth of SlimActiv 9™ today at a deeply reduced rate from our already low introductory price.

In fact...

It’s Just $33 per Bottle
You Choose the Most Popular
Six-Bottle Package...

Which gives you a full 6 months supply of SlimActiv 9.

1 Bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles

3 Bottles

1 Bottle


per bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles


per bottle

3 Bottles


per bottle

And to sweeten the deal, we'll ship your entire order in the US
for free.

Sounds fair, right?

That’s How Confident We Are
That You’ll Appreciate the
Life-Changing Benefits
SlimActiv 9 Can Bring You.

Look below this page.

If SlimActiv 9™ is still available, you'll see three cost-saving options.

Make the right choice for your health and well-being and select your package to proceed to our 100% encrypted and secure checkout page that looks like this.

Enter your details, confirm your order, and we'll dispatch it the same day straight to your doorstep.

No recurring charges, no hidden fees, just a safe and secure one-time payment.

And our dedicated customer support agents are always available to provide updates or answer any queries you may have.

Take action swiftly.

SlimActiv 9 Is Exclusive to
This Official Page.

You won’t find Mr. Lamont’s formula at Target or at your local pharmacy, and purposefully so…

We knew our solution would be at odds with the pharmaceutical and weight loss industries.

Because they'll never admit that this quick, easy, 100% natural solution to target the root cause of stubborn weight gain and joint discomfort
even exists.

And once you try SlimActiv 9™, you'll never need...

Another diet…
Workout plan...
Or all the painkillers
they want to keep selling to you again.

But There’s Another Side
to Why We’re Going
Directly to Customers Like You…

By eliminating the middlemen, we can offer you the
best possible pricing for the high quality, high potency ingredients of SlimActiv 9.

But be warned...

Stocks are selling out quickly and we're dangerously close to running out.

Limited Stocks!

And because we won't compromise on the quality or quantity of the potent ingredients found in SlimActiv 9™, prices are set to rise.

I'm doing my best to keep them low for you.

The Prices You See Now
Not Guaranteed
Beyond Today.

Because we’re not mass
producing our formula
in a factory with cheap fillers, its high quality supply
is limited.

And with 91% of people ordering six bottles at once, the prices you see now reflect what’s currently in stock.

I don't want you to come back in a few hours and find the prices have increased or that we're out of stock.

That's why 91% of people order
six bottles at once.

  • They can start burning fat immediately and keep it off for years to come...
  • Securing the best savings and stockpiling for themselves and their loved ones.

I don't like to rush you, but time is of
the essence.

You’re Here,
Which Means
Your Personal Bottles Are Reserved.

But if you leave this page,
they'll be given to someone else.

Don't waste another moment when the answer to your struggles is
right here.

Claim your discount
and choose your package below now.

And although we've received over 97,534 glowing reviews, if you're still skeptical, I understand.

After all, the weight loss and pharmaceutical industries have spent decades making you believe that diet, exercise, and medication are your
only options.

They'll never admit that this quick, easy, 100% natural solution to target the root cause of stubborn weight gain and joint discomfort even exists.

Because once you try SlimActiv 9™, you'll never need:

Another diet
Workout plan
Or painkillers again.

It's no surprise that the weight loss and pharmaceutical industries are shelling out millions every year to keep this solution hidden from you.

To show you just how effective SlimActiv 9™ is and to assure you that you have absolutely nothing to
worry about...

I’m Backing Your Order
Our Ironclad 365-Day
Money-Back Guarantee.

This means you're not making
any decision today.

I'm not asking for a definitive yes, just a maybe. Choose your package below, place your order, and then you have up to
365 days to decide.

This is more than generous as most people start seeing results within the
first week.

365 Days Money-Back Guarantee

Trial SlimActiv 9™ for 12 whole
months risk-free.

  • And if you don't experience a significant increase in your metabolic rate...
  • If you don't witness stubborn fat melting away day by day…
  • If you don't feel a surge of energy as your metabolism reignites, your body tones up, and your joint discomfort eases...

Even if you use up every bottle
and still aren't satisfied, I don't
want your money.

All you need to do is contact us within
365 days, and you'll get every cent back.

I know this might sound unbelievable,
but that's how much faith I have in
this solution.

I can't possibly offer a fairer deal
than that.

All You Need to Do to Claim Your Discount and Benefit From This Incredible Risk-Free Offer...

Is choose your package below right now and regain control over your body to become the new you.

1 Bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles

3 Bottles

1 Bottle


per bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles


per bottle

3 Bottles


per bottle

Now that’s not all…

To make your journey even more rewarding, we're offering three incredible bonuses!

Bonus #1:

7 Surprising Household Culprits Behind
Your Aches and Weight Gain

and it is valued at $29.

Did you realize that everyday items in your home could be the hidden cause of your discomfort and weight struggles?

In this eye-opening guide, you'll uncover:

  • The common household items that silently contribute to your pain and weight gain…
  • Which Tupperware and antibacterial cleaners you should avoid at all costs…
  • The hidden story of your favorite easy-to-clean nonstick cookware and how its convenience could be compromising more than your cooking.
  • What's truly behind the pleasant scents of home fragrances…
  • And most importantly, practical cost-effective strategies to eliminate these hidden culprits from your life.

Valued at $29, it's yours FREE when you purchase a 3- to 6-month supply of SlimActiv 9™.

Bonus #2:

Stealthy Saboteurs: Unmasking 'Healthy' Foods That Attack Your Joints

and it is valued at $29.

Think all healthy foods are good for you? Think again! Some could be aggravating your joint pain and hindering your weight loss.

Inside this bonus, you'll discover:

  • The so-called "healthy" foods that are your joints' worst enemies.
  • The bean you should eliminate from your diet TODAY!
  • Investigate how certain nutritious snacks (this particular nut) might potentially be fueling inflammation.
  • Alternative healthy foods that soothe pain and accelerate weight loss.

This bonus is valued at $29.

But is free when you commit to a 3- or 6-month supply of SlimActiv 9™.

Bonus #3:

Minimalist Fitness:
Maximizing the Moment

and it is valued at $59.

Who says you need hours at the
gym for effective weight loss and pain relief?

This guide teaches you:

  • Time-Saving Fitness Hacks:
    Unveil the surprising truth about how just minutes a day can reshape your health and fitness journey.
  • Intensity vs. Consistency:
    Why what you've heard about workout intensity could be misleading and what
    actually works.
  • Hidden Power of Gentle Movements: Learn about a 10-minute routine that could change your perspective on strength
    and flexibility.
  • Techniques to enhance joint mobility and reduce pain.

Regularly $59, but it's absolutely FREE when you choose a 3- or 6-month supply of SlimActiv 9™.

In summary: With a 3 to 6 month supply of SlimActiv 9™, not only do you get an innovative supplement for pain relief and weight loss, but you also receive a total of $117 in invaluable resources for free!

Remember, there's no pressure. These bonuses are simply our way of supporting your commitment.

The only thing is… You need to act now.

You Might Not Realize It,
but You’re at a
Crucial Crossroads in Your Life Right Now…

Leading to two very
different futures.

Option one is that you disregard everything you've seen today.

  • You turn a blind eye to the extraordinary research and decades of data that validate the unique ingredients inside SlimActiv 9™.
  • Ingredients that reignite your fat-burning metabolism while neutralizing inflammatory chemicals
    that wreak havoc on your joints.
  • You decide to dismiss the medical practitioners who have staked their reputation on the efficacy of this life-changing solution, and all the genuine stories of the men and women you've heard from today.
  • You do exactly what the diet industry and pharmaceutical companies want you to do and
    carry on.

But I Think We Both Know
What Happens if
You Choose
This Path…

Because you've experienced it so many times before:

Constantly battling with
your weight, feeling like everything you eat turns
to fat.

Endlessly engaging in yo-yo dieting, temporarily losing weight only to gain it all back and more.

Feeling your joints ache
with every move, making even the simplest tasks a painful ordeal.

Feeling trapped in your own body, wondering why it's so hard to lose weight and stay fit like others.

And if You Decide to Walk
This Path, Ask Yourself,
What’s Going to Change?

What happens if you don't take
action and
try something new, something proven?

  • More failed diets...
  • More ineffective exercise routines.

I know you don't want that.

The average American will spend a small fortune in their lifetime trying to lose weight.

That's the financial cost of inaction.

The human cost is even more devastating.

Heart disease
Joint pain
Diminished energy levels
Not to mention
anxiety, depression, and mental anguish.

It could mean cutting your life short by years, maybe even decades.

Is that a risk you're willing to take to save a few bucks?

I just can’t imagine that it is…

Especially When There’s Such
an Easy Way Out of This…

And we both know you're
still here because deep down, you know a change is needed in your life.

The gateway to a life free of excess weight and debilitating joint pain is right in front of you. I've opened it for you.

All you need to do is step through it, which is why I want you to seriously consider option two.

And let's be honest, it's the only real option you have.

Invest in a one-time payment in SlimActiv 9™ today and put it to the test risk-free for a full 365 days.

Just Imagine the Difference
This Could Make in Your Life.

Looking at your slim reflection
in the mirror, feeling lighter, younger, and healthier than
ever before.

Waking up with a spring in your step, moving with the energy and vigor of someone half your age.

Enjoying your favorite foods without guilt or shame.

Imagine hearing your doctor tell you you're healthy, that your heart, lungs, and joints are rejuvenated.

As Your Metabolism
Kicks Into
High Gear and Your Joint Pain Subsides,
You Can Be Free.

You can live a long, happy life.

It's the easier option because it only requires you to decide that you love yourself enough to say yes right now.

Simply choose your package below. Enter your payment information on our secure checkout page right now before life gets in the way.

No autoship, no subscriptions.

Simply take two capsules of
SlimActiv 9™ daily and you'll experience firsthand everything
I've talked about in this page.

Remember, We Recommend a

90- To 180-Day Package for the
Best and Longest-Lasting Results.

So make the smart decision and get the heavily discounted six-bottle package, which comes with free shipping too.

That’s also why we are offering you three special bonuses worth $117 when you purchase the 90- to 180-day supply.

Here's a quick recap of the bonuses you'll receive:

  • 7 Surprising Household Culprits Behind Your Aches and Weight Gain
  • Stealthy Saboteurs: Unmasking 'Healthy' Foods That Attack Your Joints
  • Minimalist Fitness: Maximizing the Moment

These invaluable resources are yours FREE with the purchase of multi-bottle packages of SlimActiv 9™.

And don't forget, your order is protected by our 365-day risk-free guarantee.

If you're not thrilled with your results within two months, just email our 24/7 customer service team and we'll immediately refund every penny.

1 Bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles

3 Bottles

1 Bottle


per bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles


per bottle

3 Bottles


per bottle

But Time Is Running Out.

This limited-time special discount will expire at any moment, and the only place you can purchase SlimActiv 9™ is right here on this page.

So act fast and make the right decision for yourself and
your family.

I think you're ready to get started.

Choose your package below right now at this limited-time pricing while stocks last.

I can't wait to hear about the difference SlimActiv 9™ has made in
your life.

This has been Richard. Thank you for reading.

1 Bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles

3 Bottles

1 Bottle


per bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles


per bottle

3 Bottles


per bottle

Still here?

I know that was a lot to take in, and I appreciate you still being here.

I vividly remember the time Mr. Lamont finished telling me about his 7 ingredients and the state I was in…

But I also know how much easier it was for me to just take the bottle of capsules he handed to me, after saying “what’s there
to lose?”

So me go ahead and address some of the most common questions customers ask…

Frequently Asked Questions

As Mr. Lamont explained: The key to losing weight and relieving joint pain lies in our fat cells.

Our fat cells, when healthy, break down fat and turn it into energy—a process called cellular respiration.

This is what keeps our metabolism fast and efficient.

Unfortunately, modern life and its toxins stress our fat cells and cause them to suffocate…

So instead of breaking down fat, they start hoarding it.

This doesn’t just lead to your body clinging onto fat, but it also triggers inflammation that can lead to joint pain and stiffness.

SlimActiv 9™ is filled with 7
all-natural, potent extracts that rejuvenate your suffocating metabolism…

Allowing them to breathe again and burn fat as they should be.

A decade ago, I might have said only those who are battling with...

Stubborn weight
And joint pain

But with our increasingly toxic environment, more and more people are finding it hard to lose weight and are experiencing joint discomfort—at increasingly
younger ages.

So if you're even slightly concerned about your weight or joint health, and want a solution that’s all natural and has provenly no side effects…

I couldn’t recommend more that you try SlimActiv 9™.

Before even releasing SlimActiv 9™ to the public, we did months of rigorous testing with men and women to see how effective it would be for a large sample size (over 97,534 testers).

And while the consistent,
life-changing results blew us away, it also strengthened what we already knew.

But because we understand that anyone buying online has a natural hesitation…

Mr. Lamont and I decided to offer SlimActiv 9™ with a
100% money-back guarantee over 365 days.

So if you're not thrilled with the results for any reason…

Just reach out to our customer service team, and we'll refund your entire investment back, no questions asked.

But I know you’ll witness its effects first-hand and be stunned by
it too.

Once you select your package below, you'll be taken to our 100% secure checkout page. You simply enter your payment details and place
your order.

There's no automatic billing or hidden charges.

Within five to seven business days, SlimActiv 9™ will arrive in a discreet package.

You're just a week away from kickstarting your journey to a healthier, lighter, and pain-free life.

That’s simple. SlimActiv 9™ comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. You have a full 365 days to decide if it's right for you.

If you're not thrilled with the results for any reason, just reach out to our customer service team, and we'll refund your investment. No questions asked.

That's a challenging question.

Our aim is to help as many people as possible regain control over their weight and joint health.

But given the groundbreaking nature of our formula, we're not sure how long we can keep SlimActiv 9™ available.

With the current global situation, supply chains are strained, and ingredients are harder to come by.

That's why it's crucial you secure your supply of SlimActiv 9™ today. Remember, it comes with a 365-day 100% money-back guarantee, so there's zero risk to you.

That's the easy part.

Just click one of the buttons below and choose your package.

And for the absolute best value: select our most popular six-bottle package to save $66 per bottle compared to the normal
single-bottle retail price.

That’s a total savings of $396 compared to buying six individual bottles at the retail price.

Just fill out your details on the next page to complete your order, and SlimActiv 9™ will be in your hands within the next five to seven business days.

Plus, there's no risk because of our ironclad, 365-day guarantee.

This Page Is Now Ending…

And I want to thank you for sticking with me
all the way until the end.

Go ahead and choose your
package now.

Use SlimActiv 9™ as directed for at least 30 days, then reach out to me directly and let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading.

1 Bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles

3 Bottles

1 Bottle


per bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles


per bottle

3 Bottles


per bottle

Those are the most common questions I get about SlimActiv 9™. Hopefully, your questions were answered there.

But if you’re still wondering if it’s right
for you...

The only way to find out now is to claim your desired package by clicking on one of the three buttons below, and completing your secure order.

Just Give It a Try.

Isn’t it better to find out now,
rather than wonder "what if?"
for the rest of your life?

Your body and your health are all you really have...

And let’s face it. Life is short

There are not many things you can buy at this low cost that will do so much for you.

Live the way you want to.

And when you decide to get out
and about...

  • You may notice your clothes fitting looser as the pounds start to melt away.
  • You’ll feel lighter on your feet as your swollen joints stop creaking.
  • A week later, you might even notice a bounce in your step...
  • You might start chasing after your kids or nieces and nephews with boundless energy.
  • Shoot, you might become the fun aunt or uncle who everyone wants to hang out with.

You’ll feel a youthful vibrance, a sense of control—control over your own body.

For some, this might take a day or two.
For others, it might take a week.

However, one day... it WILL happen.

I Call It... Your “Rebirth Day”.

It’s when you feel things are truly normal
for the first time.

When you’re in control of your weight
and joint pain—and they do NOT control you anymore.

When you’re not fighting an invisible enemy that keeps blocking your freedom
and happiness.

  • And you know you can do whatever you want, whenever you want.
  • And not have to worry about weight or joint problems.
  • And not have to worry about who-knows-what that can bite you back later.

So you can be there for the people who mean the most in your life:

Your family
Your friends
Your community

Because a big part of you that was held hostage by weight and joint issues is now free to experience the energy, freedom and happiness you deserve.

When Your “Rebirth Day”
Comes, It Will Be a Day You’ll Never Forget.

This is what I want for you. I want you to experience your “Rebirth Day” as soon as possible.

1 Bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles

3 Bottles

1 Bottle


per bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles


per bottle

3 Bottles


per bottle

Claim Your Bottles of
SlimActiv 9 Now...

While this limited-time discount
is available
while we still
have stock.

And decide within the next 60 days if
it’s for you. If it’s not, you’ll get a fast and full refund.

But chances are, you’re going to love your experience with SlimActiv 9™.

So don’t wait any longer, select the number of bottles you’d like.

Whether it’s the 6-bottle option, the 3-bottle option, or whichever option works best for you.

And click the “Add To Cart” button below to get started.

I wish you all the best and I can’t wait to hear about your experience.

Still Have More Questions
About SlimActiv 9 ?

Don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team.

The toll-free number is 1-800-856-5587, and we’re available 24/7. Seriously.

And don’t worry. You won’t have to talk to a robot or any automated machine.

We have real, live humans answering phones to help you.

So if you’re ready to start taking control
of your weight and joint health, just take the leap.

Click the button below, and take action right now.

You have nothing to risk, nothing to lose...

And a vibrant, worry-free life waiting
for you.

Remember, We Have a
Limited Supply of
This Formula.

When it’s gone, it’s hard to tell when we will have more.

So, take advantage of this massive up-to-67% discount available only on
THIS page.

Select the number of bottles you’d like...

Whether it’s the 6-bottle option, the
3-bottle option, or whichever option works best for you.

And click the “Order Now” button below to get started.

I’d like to thank you again for your time.

I look forward to getting to know you better as a customer, and hearing about how much you’re enjoying your
new-found health.

1 Bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles

3 Bottles

1 Bottle


per bottle

Best Value

6 Bottles


per bottle

3 Bottles


per bottle
























